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Appropriate Body Services

If you are employing Early Career Teachers you'll need to select an Appropriate Body.

What is an Appropriate Body?

The role of Appropriate Body is to independently quality assure the statutory induction that Early Career Teachers (ECTs) will have, and to monitor the support and assessment of their progress.  Employing schools have a statutory responsibility for selecting an Appropriate Body for their ECTs.  



Why choose us?
At the NELT Teaching School Hub, we have seven years' experience as an Appropriate Body, successfully supporting Early Career Teachers across the region. Our Appropriate Body team are also members of North East SCITT and lead ECF programme delivery, providing significant leadership, mentoring and CPD experience across a range of schools and phases.
We have a clear understanding of the needs of ECTs, mentors, and induction tutors, and have been involved in the development and delivery of both the early roll out of the Early Career Framework and delivered from the very start of the National Roll Out.  

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Our experience includes:

  • 8 year track record of Appropriate Body provision to schools across North East 

  • Our knowledge of regional schools, challenges and the diverse needs of pupils 

  • Team with extensive experience of the Induction Tutor role, mentoring and ECT development in a wide range of diverse schools   

  • We have co-developed and delivered ECF programmes as part of Early Roll Out in the North East and have delivered the first two years of the National Roll Out ECF programme

  • We offer streamlined systems for schools to submit information and have fully supported Induction Tutors in the writing of progress reviews and formal assessments​

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Why do ECTs need to be registered with an Appropriate Body?
An ECT cannot begin their induction until their Appropriate Body has been agreed. From September 2023, the Appropriate Body for a newly appointed ECTs will be a Teaching School Hub.

Registering with NELT Appropriate Body
To register your ECT with NELT Appropriate Body, please click here.
If your school is not registered using ECT Manager, please email

Can we use you for our ECF and Appropriate Body provision?

Yes, in most circumstances we can supply both services. In a limited number of situations, we can only provide one, but we can discuss this with you if the situation arises.


If you opt for another ECF provider, you can also contract us just to supply Appropriate Body services, or to supply your ECF services along with a separate Appropriate Body provider. 

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Provider-led Programme: £75 per term per ECT, no fidelity check costs


Using provider-led materials to deliver: £75 per year per ECT for Appropriate Body, £600 per school per term for fidelity checks


School-based Induction Programme: £75 per term per ECT for Appropriate Body, £900 per year

Our service

  • Carrying out pre-induction checks and registration for schools, academies and settings who have appointed an early career teacher 

  • ECF fidelity checking dependant on the type of ECF-based induction being delivered (min. of 3 checkpoints across the 2-year period) 

  • Registering and reporting to the Teacher Regulation Agency 

  • Access to the ECT Manager platform, providing an efficient online service for registering ECTs and completing assessments 

  • Providing briefings/information to Induction Tutors, Mentors and ECTs at the start of the year on the Induction process and the role of the Appropriate Body  

  • Providing an ECT Induction Handbook for schools  

  • Providing bespoke phone/email support for early career teachers, Induction Tutors and Head Teachers / Principals  

  • Providing templates for all progress reviews, assessment forms and any additional documentation to support ECTs 

  • Quality assuring assessment reports against the Teachers' Standards 

  • Conducting quality assurance visits (online/in-school) with a sample of the cohort of registered ECTs  

  • Providing advice and guidance where ECTs are not making satisfactory progress against the Teachers’ Standards 

  • Providing a ‘named contact’ for ECTs who require specific support and guidance 

  • Making decisions on the outcome of statutory induction for ECTs and communicating this to schools (Headteacher, Induction Tutor and ECT) and the Teacher Regulation Agency 

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NELT Teaching School Hub

Part of North East Learning Trust


Registered address:

The Academy at Shotton Hall

Passfield Way




Company number 07492165 registered in England and Wales  


© 2025 North East Learning Trust   

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